Handbook of Writing and Submission for Cereal Research Journal
Professors, researchers and students can prepare their unpublished scientific-research manuscripts in various fields of cereal sciences based on the following guidelines and submit them via online sumission system (https://cr.guilan.ac.ir) of the journal in order to review. The journal has no obligation to publish or retrieve any submitted manuscripts (To receive the complete guide on how to write and submit an article to the Quarterly Journal of Cereal Research, refer to the end of this section).
Important points
1. To submit an article, the corresponding author must first register in the journal website and receive the relevant ID and password.
2. Perform the various steps of submitting the article carefully and record the information related to each section, especially the name, academic rank and affiliation of all authors in Persian and English, along with the order of the author’s names. Also, in the required files section, pay attention to the required mandatory files exactly.
3. Note that the full text article should not been previously published in any journal and in any language or send to another journal at the same time.
4. The responsibility of the accuracy and completeness of the order of the author’s names and all the materials contained in the article is the responsibility of the corresponding author.
5. Articles are merely the result of author (s) research and only in the field of various sciences related to cereals.
6. When the manuscript receive and check out by the editor, approve it with the manuscript preparation guide. If it is followed the journal format then will be submitted to reviewers. After the decision of the reviewers and the confirmation of the group of secretaries (editorial board), the manuscript will be published. If the submitted manuscript is not compliant with the manuscript preparation guide, it will be returned to the corresponding author and when it received again, the date of receipt of the manuscript will be considered and submitted for reviewers.
Writing method
1. The manuscript should be written on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margin on each side and in a single column using Word 2003 software or higher. All Persian and English words should be written in B Nazanin 12 and Times New Roman 11, respectively.
2. The title of the article and each of its sections should be written in bold 16 and 12 font size, respectively. The line spacing is 1.5 cm (1.5 line) and the distance between the two sections should be one line.
3. Phrases and scientific terms that are not equivalent to Persian, are presented in Persian in the same way as in English in parentheses in the text.
4. All used units in the text should follow the system of international units (SI).
5. All tables and figures should be presented in separate pages at the end of the text.
6. Article title, name and surname of the author (s) in order of priority, affiliation, academic rank, address and telephone number should be written in both Persian and English (top and bottom of the page) in a separate file entitled "Author’s Profile".
7. The scientific names used in the text and in the list of references should be written in italics.
8. The maximum number of pages of the article including tables and figures is 15 pages.
9. Articles are in the review process that the corresponding author in addition to the author (s) profile and the original article files, other required files including Commitment Letter, Conflict of Interest and Copyright Transfer Forms, after approval and signature of all authors, send through the Journal's Website. (Author can download all the required files and forms from the end of this section).
Different sections of the article
Each article contains article specifications sheet, title, Persian abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgment, references and English abstract and keywords, respectively.
Title: The title of the article should be brief, glaring and expressive of the main content of the article and not exceed 25 words. It is necessary to write the title of the article in the middle of the page and center of the row.
Persian abstract: The abstract should include the importance, objectives, and testing methods, with emphasis on the results of the research and do not exceed 250 words. It is necessary at the end of the abstract, the most important applied and used research results should be mentioned maximum in the two sentences.
Persian keywords: Keywords should include the most important used words and terms in the research, and range from 3 to 7 words. It is better not to use the terms in the title of the article as the keywords. Keywords must be sorted in alphabetical order.
Introduction: In this section, while briefly describing the subject of research as well as the precise explanation of research hypotheses, it is sufficiently pointed out to the sources of previous research. At the end of the introduction, the objectives of the research are clearly expressed.
Materials and methods: This section includes a detailed description of the used materials and methods, the type of used project, sampling methods and statistical analysis of the data. Meanwhile, new and innovative materials and methods should be explicitly and repeatable and, if adapted from other methods, only provide guidance and references.
Results: In this section, the results and research findings will be expressed in different ways, such as figure, table, or description, and refrain from providing data in duplicate. Also, to adjust the table, figure or equation, follow the below steps:
Discussion: In this section, the results of the research, scientific analysis and according to the objectives of the research, the response rate of the results to these goals are judged and carefully compared with the results of others. At the end of this section, there are scientific and practical suggestions for the use of others. This section can be combined with results as "Results and Discussion"
Acknowledgments: The organizations and individuals who have somehow contributed to the research are appreciated.
How to set up resources is given in the following examples:
1. Printed scientific journals:
Rabiei, B. 2007. Linkage map of SSR markers and QTLs detection for heading date of Iranian rice cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 9: 235-242.
Rahimi, M. and Rabiei, B. 2009. Evaluation of gene action and heritability of important agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences 10: 362-376. (In Persian with English Abstract).
Esfahani, M., Ali-Abbasi, H. R., Rabiei, B. and Kavousi, M. 2008. Improvement of nitrogen management in rice paddy field using chlorophyll meter (SPAD). Paddy and Water Environment 6: 181-188.
2. Electronic journals:
Karimi, M., Esfahani, M., Biglouei, M. H., Rabiei, B. and Kafi-Ghasemi, A. 2009. Effect of deficit irrigation treatments on morphological traits and growth indices of forage corn in the Rasht climate. Electronic Journal of Crop Production 2: 91-110. Retrieved September 10, 2009, from http://www.magiran.com/magtocoasp?mgid=5543&number=6. (In Persian with English Abstract).
3. Unedited book:
Primrose, S. B. and Old, R. W. 2001. Principles of gene manipulation (6th Ed.). Blackwell Science Ltd.
4. An article or chapter of an edited book:
Weeden, N. F. 1983. Plastid isozymes. In: Tanksley, S. D. and Orton, T. J. (Eds.). Isozymes in plant genetic and breeding. Elsevier Scientific Publication Co. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp: 139-156.
5. Internet document or report:
Food and Agriculture Organization. 2008. Statistics: FAOSTAT agriculture. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from http://fao.org/crop/statistics.
6. M. Sc. or Ph. D. Dissertation:
Shirzadian Khorramabad, R. 2008. Molecular genetic regulation of developmental leaf longevity. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
7. Conferences papers:
Aalami, A., Lotfi, A. and Esfahani, M. 2003. Identification of pistachio cultivars and related species using Isozymes polymorphism analysis. Proceeding of The 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. June 23-28, 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
How to refer to the contents of this journal:
The use of contents of this journal is unrestricted by quoting the source.
Required files and forms: