Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts to Cereal Research are assessed initially by the Editor-in-Chief and if considered to be within the scope of the journal and of sufficient quality, will be sent for external peer-review, in consultation with members of the Editorial Board. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within 6-8 weeks after manuscript reception. The final decision on publication of papers will be based on the comments from reviewers and associate editors and the recommendation of editorial board of journal. It is the goal of the Cereal Research to send the final decision (accept/reject) on the manuscript to corresponding author within 12 weeks after submission.

The process of accepting and publishing scientific-research articles in the "Cereal Research" journal, includes the following steps:
1. Registration in the system.
2. Receive user ID and password.
3. Login to the journal website with the received user ID and password (after login to the system, the password can be changed as desired).
4. Submitting required files through the Online Submission System (including original article, authors profile, commitment letter, conflict of interest and publication permission forms).
5. Preliminary review of submitted files by the editor in chief to match the original file of the article with the of the Cereal Research format. 
6. Announcement of the editor's in chief opinion regarding the rejection or early acceptance (in case of initial acceptance, send the article to the editor for expert comments).
7. Announcement of the editor's opinion regarding the rejection or scientific acceptance (if accepted, send the article to the selected referees by the editor).
8. Conducting the arbitration process (Double blind peer review).
9. Send the referees opinions to the corresponding author for correction.
10. Submitting the revised article by the corresponding author through the journal system.
11. Review the revised article by the final referee.
12. Scientific acceptance of the article.
13. Scientific and literary editing of the article.
14. Send the edited article to the corresponding author for final approval.
15. Online publication of the article in the journal's websitw.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us: